Saturday, January 3, 2009

Every Model Needs an Entourage...

So you all remember Jeremy Piven's super dramatic bout of mercury poisoning that caused him to cancel his appearances in "Speed the Plow," right?

He's currently in Bangkok for treatment. And what did he do that terrible, desperate night he fell ill? Why, he spent it with a model named Ashley Chontos, who happens to be a pretty familiar face 'round here at Here she is in Three Dots, Splendid, and Susana Monaco (on sale!).

Piven met Ashley at Britney Spears' birthday party (which had a circus theme.. is she 11? I don't understand!) and has since been super-tight with the model. Word on the street (and by word on the street I mean Perez Hilton says) that Piven is ditching his Mama and bringing Ashley as his date to the Golden Globes. Someone is movin' on up!

In case you'd like a less... biased... report, here's the article from NY Daily News.

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