Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!

We're down to the final few pre-Christmas hours and you've all finished your Christmas shopping. I mean, I'm assuming you have because you're all generous, responsible adults. Of course.

Now it's time to pamper yourself. And with the residual holiday sales going on, it's easier and less indulgent than, say, the fatty, carb-loaded, and ohmygod-it's-so-good-I-can't-stop-eating meals that have been placed in front of us by enthusiastic in-laws.

So check out our neat little Super Duper Holiday page and consider it an early birthday present for an even more guilt-free experience. Unless, of course, you were born in a manger on December 25th, 0000?

In the meantime, here's a little snippet from Marie Claire UK:

"3 Fun Ways to Wear a Scarf This Season." Now, the "Classic Loop" is a no-brainer, and I'm not sure how I feel about the side bow, and they forgot the all-encompassing "Super Duper Billion-Time Wrap-Around" but I do LOVE the belted look. It's not often you find a new way to wear a scarf. And we've got a lot of great new scarves from Tolani, Lovequotes, and Wish4Peace (and a super cool one from Daftbird) coming in these days.. be sure to keep checking back!

And that's all for this Christmas Eve, 2008. Tee-Zone and I wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a Super Duper Holiday Season!

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